Our carefully curated network of suppliers represents the best in their respective industries. We partner with these innovative companies to ensure we deliver top-quality products and services to our customers, fostering long-term relationships built on trust, reliability, and excellence.
Angus Morton Butchers is a local family butchers located in Richmond North Yorkshire.
We try to support as many local businesses as we can, we prefer to get our meat from Hamiltons Butchers in Richmond.
All cakes are made using the finest ingredients and are baked in small batches here in Yorkshire to produce a luxury rich fruitcake for us.
Run by Neil & Gill Maycock with their son Peter, Bracken Hill Fine Foods is a family run business, and one of Yorkshire's best known preserve makers. Boasting a huge range of delicious preserves who pride themselves on producing lines to suit all tastes.
Roost Coffee is a small batch coffee roaster using ethically sourced green beans and eco-friendly roasting technology. They love speciality coffee, but at the heart of our business are relationships and sustainability.
UK based independent tea co. Evolving the tea experience and encouraging physical and emotional wellbeing. Based in Malton, North Yorkshire.
Chocolate lovers David and Jackie Wright were always disappointed that the rise of excellent espresso coffee on the high streets of Britain was not matched by a similar wave of top-quality hot chocolate.
Bruce is a well known local farmer who supplies us with our free range eggs. Since he is so well known there is no need for a logo or website.